Monday, May 3, 2010

Get More Upbeat With A Drumstick

I am a total nightmare when it comes to eating chicken, I will only eat the breast meat, and it must not have any skin or bones on it.  Which is a real shame because the dark meat in chicken is so beneficial for you.

If you find your energy flagging, you may be lacking zinc and iron.  Chix thighs or drumsticks are the best way of getting both. The dark meat in poultry is lower in fat than red meat, yet has all the iron, zinc and Vit B you need to keep moving along.

I often bake a batch of chicken legs for my kids, especially if they have friends are popping over for dinner.  Click after the jump for a simple recipe that all the family will love.

Honey Soy Chicken Drumsticks

    1/2 cup honey
      2 tablespoons soy sauce
        1/3 Cup water
          12 chicken drumsticks (about 3 pounds total)
            Kosher salt and ground pepper
              1. Preheat oven to 475 degrees. Line a shallow roasting pan or 9-by-13-inch baking dish with aluminum foil. In a large bowl, mix together honey, soy sauce, and 1/3 cup water. Add chicken, and toss to coat; season with salt and pepper. Transfer chicken and honey mixture to prepared roasting pan.
              2. Bake chicken, basting with juices from edges of pan every 10 minutes, until well browned and an instant-read thermometer inserted into thickest part of drumstick (avoiding bone) registers 165 degrees, 30 to 40 minutes. Serve chicken drizzled with pan juices
                (image from

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